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This is a platform for inquiry, experimentation and research related to Artsci [Art about science], Sciart[Science re-framed as art]and Art-Science Collaborations


OPEN CALL - ART and Space Technology

Satellites Improve Life  : A year long Exhibition Opening January 2024. In Collaboration with Orbital Space -

Submitions are open! connect with us if you would like to engage your students or if you have any questions!

  • Graphics

  • Posters

  • Video – share link

  • Infographics

  • Animation

  • Text Based Art

  • Audio-scapes

  • multimedia installations

  • Photographs [Date, time, and location the image was taken.]


Format: Analogue and / Digital

Technical Specifications:


  • Color photographic images: 300dpi

  • Gray-scale photographic images: 600dpi

  • Line art or monochrome images: 1200dpi

  • Combination images (photographs & labeling): 600dpi

  • Photographs: should include Date, time, and location the image was taken

A caption for each image (for paintings, include the title, size, and media; all artwork must be yours or you must have permissions)

If you submit you will be giving your permission for us the non-exclusive right to publish the Version of Record of your work; you (the author) retain copyright. This agreement incorporates the Creative Commons license of your choice, which will dictate what others can do with your work once it has been published.


“Satellites Improve life”.

The objective is to communicate educational and engaging science related to:

  • Space education, research, and technologies

  • The way in which space technologies benefit life on earth

  • How daily life can be affected by satellite technologies

  • Coverage and / review of satellite related events or innovations

  • Promoting and supporting initiatives and space related projects in the GCC.

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